You forgot (or maybe I missed it somehow) one killer feature, which alone can over-weight the problems (demand for machine resources): Refactoring
Also, one hint: Try to observe how your colleagues use their tool of choice (VS Code?) and note the moments they spend too much time on something, which works as charm in JetBrains IDE. Then demonstrate their minutes of work can be seconds of IDE works for them.
Another cool feature is magic merges. From what I seen I believe JetBrains editors has pretty good understanding of the underlying language syntax, which makes the magic possible.
Well, I can understand pros are attached to their tools and probably know they in and out, but JetBrains IDE products let novices keep up with code styles, do refactoring, and overall help maintain code simple an manageable.
I am not affiliated with JetBrains, just can see a lot of value in their IDEs. If that requires more brainpower from your laptop — then buy more. It will be still cheaper for a computer to work, than a developer to do more “manual” work.