While I mostly agree with the presented signs of unhappiness, the fourth one related to having hobbies perhaps needs some adjustment. I'm not talking about total avoidance, but happy person does have hobbies, and also the essense of the men specifically is not defined by the women around (unless your essense is being a playboy). They are important, loved, but the man works for higher ends: God, humanity, society, local community, etc. Similar is true for women, who are by their nature as mothers more focused on home and children. This is of course a stereotype modern society wants to close eyes on in the name of equality. So the above can be understood as not pointing to actual sexes but some kind of dominant virtual gender. This said, escapism may be understood wrong. And one sign of a bad mood or even depression can be that the person does not have any interests.
In applying the mentioned signs one perhaps needs to also understand the type of the person, his/her level of development, and what makes that person happy.