Roman Suzi
Jan 16, 2023


While I agree ChatGPT is a great achievement, it's limitations and lack of intelligence becomes obvious when asking to do things beyond "logic of language" capabilities.

For example, I made it draw a diagram of a typical publishing workflow (in graphviz language) and it did it nicely.

Drawing a squirrel, however, was not successful at all. Three year old child can draw a better squirrel.

Asking some simple programming task usually produces something workable, but even simple problem from programming contest (for kids) makes ChapGPT produce non-sense.

Surely, this tech will find a lot of uses, and common sense seems to be somewhat included, but the thing is not intelligent.

It's does not even have old school expert system capabilities. However, it can be important component for something greater as it holds the keys for many human languages.



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