Well, arrogance is universally perceived as a negative trait, so no wonder. And of course communication is the best friend everywhere, not just in a relationship. Mansplaining? Well... It is also not only about relationship and not only man->woman. Just immature communication style. (I know... Guilty as well).
In a sense, all 3 points are good, however, in my opinion, this is not the top 3. Even the discovery of 5 love languages is evidence that people are different. For example, some will prefer real help over talking. Some will endure a rather complex "mansplaining" on a topic that is beyond understanding.
According to socionics (its a different from MBTI branch of development of Jungian psychological types, please check on wikipedia ), people have their stronger and weaker sides ("functions") in how they exchange information. And there is a notion of "duals" and "half-duals" there. They make the best couples because their communication is perfect for each other from the very beginning. They also develop each other in their relationships quicker.
For example, "conflict is bad" is not universal. Some pairs of types argue and clash on a daily basis, and yet their relationship thrives because one gives in the form that the other "expects" (and is weak in). And while there are some quantitative gender differences, sometimes people are reverse of the gender stereotype for specific type. Thus ESTP girlfriend will get you "down on all four" without all that extra politeness, and it will be ok (or even preferable!) if you are INFP or INTP. And ESFJ will listen to INTJs "mansplaining" without any bigger problem (they say it helps to fall asleep faster). Of course, this is also a simplification, and people are much more nuanced than any typology can understand, but this may give a better approximation.
In my humble opinion, it's best if the couples reflect what is the real source of the annoyance. This may or may not be what is explained in the article.