Quite true what you have written. I myself had an illusion for many years that other developers approach programming the way I do. (in short: I have always been a generalist, who quickly grasped concrete languages/syntax and idioms, up to inventing my own mini-frameworks so software is built coherently).
It turns out there are other psychological types (?) out there, who either need a detailed 1-2-3 plans as part of requirements or tend to do everything in a quick-n-dirty way without any concern about software architecture, code readability and maintainability. There are some developers who are satisfied when "happy path" worked in one situation, etc, etc.
I suspect motivation also slightly differs for developers "types", and your conclusion in this article can be relevant for a near majority of developers, but not all of them.
And it applies to developers with different experience levels. I was this "generalist" and "theory build from first principles" builder as long as I remember me doing programming...
Thank you! Your articles add to my understanding of software developers.