Currently science is not well-prepared for studying deeply subjective matters. And by that I mean situations when observer influences the experiment by the act of observation or some other "psychological" or environmental conditions. So supernatural (superphysical) requires new approaches, and maybe some training. For example, how to explain certain very low probability event just happened? Of course, there is almost always someone who wins the lottery or witnesses a black swan for the first time, but small miracles happen all the time, and explaining them away with one's metaphysical standing will not bring the truth nearer. Occam's razor simplest and most convenient explanation for the modern people may be... glitches in the Matrix.
My point being modern science is not equipped with a methodology for dealing with superphysical phenomena. Such kinds of things may be... hmmm... naturally unique or at least unless you are the Jesus Christ quite hard to reproduce in quantities enough to get "5-sigma signals".