Are there?
Materialism assumes an external reality independent of mind, yet all our knowledge of reality is ultimately derived through mental experiences. The claim that materialism is more predictive can be considered a category error - predictive power relates to scientific models, not metaphysical truth. The very nature of quantum mechanics and epistemology raises challenges for materialism and suggests that mind may be more fundamental than matter.
The success of materialist science in explaining natural phenomena does not prove that materialism is the ultimate reality - it simply demonstrates that materialist methodologies are effective within their domain.
Quantum mechanics hinted strongly science forget the observer. Currently science just dismiss things, which are not readily connected to it, like spiritual realm. Also science is not about ultimate truth - it's about its practical approximation, and good it is. Materialist models have predictive power, this only demonstrates their usefulness but does not prove they're metaphysically fundamental.
'Idealism struggles to account for the apparent uniformity of physical laws across different observers.' - not at all. For the sake of argument, it's relatively easy to unify across observers in the Matrix, aka Creation. No need to look too far beyond propagandistic machines even.
"The success of scientific materialism in explaining phenomena previously attributed to non-material causes". What is called "scientific materialism" may be a transitional phase in the deeper journey of consciousness toward understanding itself and the world—one that might ultimately integrate both material and non-material aspects into a more holistic framework. Greater synthesis at a new level.
But yes, we went too deep / possible off. I pretty much like the hermeneutic circles ideas, jsut wanted get even more out of the box :-)